Welcome to Mama Loves Money!
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A website for moms who dare to admit that they LOVE money?
Did you read that right? Oh yes you did!
But trust me – it isn’t quite what you think it is.
When we speak about LOVING money on this website, it isn’t in a superficial way – it is in a SMART way.
It is about MAKING MONEY doing something you love.

And SAVING MONEY so you can have more of what you love.
MAMA LOVES MONEY aims to help you to build a healthier relationship with money where you are in control, my friend rather than the other way around.
No matter what your ultimate goal is with money, MAMA LOVES MONEY can help you:
- Create a more abundant money mindset.
- Live more frugally.
- Earn more money.
- Save more money.
- Make better decisions as to how you spend your precious money.
- Offer creative solutions to get your money to WORK FOR YOU.
I created Mama Loves Money just for you and all the gorgeous moms around the world who were tired of having a love/hate relationship with money.
So many of us are scared to admit that money is important in life because we think it will make us sound vain or superficial.
But at the same time we recognize the opportunities and freedom that having MORE MONEY can and will bring us.
Having a healthy relationship with MONEY enables money to flow more easily into your life and gives you the opportunity to live a happier life without the stress of financial burden.
And seriously, who wouldn’t want that? A healthier relationship with money so we are in a better position to get more of it in life?
It’s time for you to accept and embrace the fact that your money story is not predetermined at birth. You are not limited either to the amount of income you are capable of earning in your life – whether you are a stay-at-home-mom or inspiring entrepreneur, whether you have a college degree or not (none of that stuff truly matters in the end!)
What matters most is your desire to learn and actually apply the new knowledge you gain. NEWS ALERT: Knowledge without action is just wasted knowledge!
The truth is that you indeed have the choice and opportunity to make positive changes happen in your relationship with money. You can also make constructive change in your ability to earn and save too – so why not make fantastic things start to happen today? I trust and know that you can do it!