How To Quit A Job – 9 Things You Need To Do BEFORE Quitting

Not sure how to quit a job? There are 9 things you absolutely need to do before quitting any job. This will make it so much easier to finally quit your job!
9 Things To Do Before Quitting Your Job
Woohoo! If you are reading this post this means that you have either quit or are thinking about quitting your current job and want to make sure you put it to rest for good before moving on.
Firstly I have to say congratulations about moving on to greener pastures!
It can be exciting to leave one job for another.
However, I know it isn’t always as easy as walking out the door and never looking back.
There are several actions that need to be taken in advance to ensure a smooth transition for you and your replacement (but mostly for you!).
News alert: implementing these 9 tips is not only smart and professional but it also means you leave your company in a positive way.
So here’s exactly what you need to do to leave your company in a professional manner:
TIP # 1 – Have another job lined up.
This tip is ultimately suggested for your best interests.
Before you quit, it is best to have another job already waiting for you to step into.
Unless you’re highly confident (and therefore think you can score another job at the snap of a finger) or independently wealthy (and therefore don’t need to worry about having a steady income coming in), it would be much wiser to have another job waiting for you.
Word of warning: your savings can drain a lot faster than you might think, especially if there is a big wait between your old job and new job and you have a lot of free time on your hands.
It’s just common sense to ensure that you don’t suffer financially when you leave your current employment.
TIP # 2 – Give your letter of resignation.
Giving a simple letter of resignation is a good place to start when it comes to leaving your job.
Please make sure to check out the current laws applicable to the country you live in because the rules around resignation letters do vary.
In the US, two-three weeks of notice is customary, though sometimes not required.
Here in Australia, four weeks’ notice is customary if one is a full-time employee; though this length may depend on the contract signed or the time you have worked in that position.
Casual employees on the other hand (who have no guaranteed or set hours of employment) can end employment without any notice.
Either way, resignation letters (which you can Google for great examples) are a polite and smart way to handle the situation.
TIP # 3 – Clean up your company laptop and phone.
If you work using a company laptop or phone, there’s a chance that over the years you have accumulated a few personal text message and emails.
Even if they’re totally innocent (which of course they are, right?), there’s a good chance you would still prefer for your employer not see these messages.
While you’re at it, delete your browser history and any personal documents from your laptop and the company server.
- If you’ve downloaded any software for personal use, be sure to delete that, too.
- Delete any saved passwords from your web browser. You don’t want that information to fall into the hands of a stranger!
TIP # 4 – Clean out your office.
Prior to quitting, it’s wise to go through your files and purge any items that don’t need to be saved.
Also remove any personal items and take them home. Your office should be ready for the next person when you’re finished.
TIP # 5 – Avoid burning bridges.
While it may be tempting to tell your boss and certain coworkers what you REALLY think about them, I encourage you to pause and think twice before taking that course of action.
It’s surprising how often that type of behavior can come back to haunt you.
Yes, really!
So if possible, refrain from spilling your heart and all your grievances and bite your tongue.
You never know what the future may hold.
P.S. There is no harm in keeping your negative thoughts to yourself. Some things really are best left unsaid.
TIP # 6 – Go out on good terms.
Note: This isn’t the same as not burning bridges.
Instead make an effort to go out on a positive note, not just a neutral note.
Say goodbye to everyone you have worked with and thank them.
You never know who might be in a position to hire you one day.
You never know what relationships you will want to revisit in the future.
You also might be in need of a recommendation at some point so be nice!
TIP # 7 – Update your resume.
Before leaving your current position, update your resume to include everything you’ve accomplished.
List any responsibilities and skills that you haven’t already included on your resume.
Update your LinkedIn profile too as this is becoming increasingly important when it comes to work stuff.
TIP # 8 – Be aware of your options regarding your retirement accounts.
Before quitting, swing by your HR department and make sure you understand your options for moving or keeping your retirement accounts.
TIP # 9 – Visit the doctor.
Depending on the deductible and quality of your new insurance plan, it might be smart to visit the dentist, eye doctor, or get a physical before your current insurance runs out.
So there you have it – 9 things to do before quitting or leaving your current job.
Once again, I do encourage you to avoid the urge to leave a job without having another one lined up.
“Every job that I had was a stepping stone to my next job and I never quit my job until I had my next job. And so opportunities look a lot like work.” Ashton Kutcher.
Even though it is true what they say – if something is no longer working for you then leave – quitting is also about TIMING.
Consider the consequences of not having a job and the possibility of struggling to find a new one.
More than a few people have made this mistake.
Other than that, enjoy the last few weeks of your current employment.
If you have made the decision to quit, it’s most likely because you knew deep down it was time to move on.
Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you or makes you happy.
However take the time to also exit your company wisely and in a polite and dignified manner. You’ll be so glad you did!
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