Swear Jar Rules – How To Use A Swear Jar To Save Money (Lots Of It!)

The Modified Money-Saving Swear Jar Rules
How To Use A Swear Jar To Save Money (Lots Of It!)
Want to learn the swear jar rules for a modified money-saving swear jar system?
Here’s exactly how to use a swear jar to save lots of money.
So most of us know what a swear jar is...
A swear jar (which is also known as a swear box, swearing jar or cuss jar) is a tool used to help discourage people from swearing.
Every time someone utters a swear word a person who has witnessed this transgression gets to collect a “fine” – whatever amount was predetermined – by insisting that the offender put some money into the box.
The cool thing is this type of savings technique can be applied to achieve long and short-term savings, beyond the age where swearing is an issue in your home (aka when your little kids become much bigger).
In fact, you can slowly, but steadily add to your savings by using the modified swear jar system to add to your savings each and every day of the week.
So What is the Modified Swear Jar System And What Are The Swear Jar Rules?
In short, the modified swear jar is the adult version of “if you say a curse word, you drop a quarter into the swear jar” rule mom had in place when you were a kid.
However, rather than dropping money into the jar each time you curse, you drop money into the jar each time you mention (or have recurring thoughts of) your savings goal.
Yes you pay the fine or price every time your head or heart wander over to thoughts of what you are working so hard to save for.
As long as your savings goal is important to you, you’re going to express quite a bit of verbal lust, and the cool thing is this game is enjoyable as you get to watch your savings grow!
If your goal is less than $500, you may be able to use an average sized jar to collect your savings.
However, for a more sizeable goal, many people prefer to use an oversized flowerpot or a 5-gallon empty water bottle to stash their savings.
How to Implement the System And Swear Jar Rules
First and foremost, it’s important to understand that simply dropping coins into a jar will take you ages to achieve your savings goals.
You’ll most likely need to up the ante and start placing bills into your jar.
But there’s nothing wrong with that right?
The notes you are parting with are going towards YOUR BIG SAVINGS GOAL.
The more money you deposit, the quicker you will reach your goal.
So that’s a good thing!
Generally, $5 or $10 bills are small enough that you may be able to comfortably drop a bill into the jar once or more each day without feeling a financial pinch.
But if finances are tough, you can start by placing $1 into your jar each time you mention your goal.
Try these additional techniques for growing your savings with the swear jar system:
# 1 – Choose your denomination that you plan to contribute each time.
Choose your denomination between $1, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 and stick to it.
- If you need to drop $10 into your jar and only find that you have smaller bills, place as many bills as necessary into the jar until you reach $10.
- It’s okay to place different bills into the jar as long as you’re putting in the amount you planned.
# 2 – Set a minimum
If your goal is something you wouldn’t talk about on a daily basis (such as new French doors), set a minimum deposit for each day.
- For example, if your denomination is $20, vow to drop a minimum of $20 into your jar at the end of each day, regardless of whether or not you mention your goal.
- At the end of just the first month, you’ll have saved a minimum of $600 into your jar.
# 3 – No cheating
Make it a strict rule that you must make a deposit into your jar each time you mention your goal.
If you let yourself off the hook once, you’re more likely to do it next time and thereafter.
You need to be committed to this technique to see results.
- If you routinely talk about your goal throughout the day and feel that a $5 or $10 donation to the jar is a bit steep, it’s best to stick with a $1 denomination.
- If you talk about your goal five times per day, you’ll still have $5 at the end of the day and up to $150 at the end of the month.
This system works because it’s user friendly, it works in YOUR FAVOR and it’s risk free.
Yes, you may be placing a considerable amount of money into the jar, but guess what?
Chances are that money would have otherwise been spent elsewhere.
It is WAY BETTER to keep that money in your own hands and to set it aside for YOUR GOAL.
Having a modified swear jar will motivate you to ramp up your efforts as you can visually see your savings mounting.
An added bonus:
Unlike financing the purchase you’re saving for, if for any reason you were to encounter a financial emergency (such as a termination notice from your utility company), you’ll be able to dig into your savings jar and continue your efforts once you’re on a positive financial footing.
This is not a strategy I advocate at any other point in time, that is – touching the money in your swear jar unless it’s a truly desperate situation.
The money inside that swear jar is supposed to be for YOUR GOALS and to help you achieve your dream purchase (whatever that may be for you).
I wish you the best of luck in using this modified swear jar system to help you save money which would have otherwise been spent elsewhere.
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