7 Great Budget-Friendly Tips On How To Save Money On Vacation

If you are looking for budget-friendly tips on how to save money on vacation, here they are! 7 great tips to save money on your next holiday.
When we think of holidays, most of us probably think EXPENSIVE (because hey, a good vacation often does cost lots of dollars)
By definition, a budget holiday usually gets the bad wrap. If we see it advertised we often think “no way, it’s too good to be true. Budget = dingy accommodation and no frills attached to it – therefore it must be crap.“
Well I’m here to tell you otherwise.
A budget holiday IS in fact possible and it doesn’t need to be terrible. In fact it can be super amazing.
News alert: The reason most travel destinations you see in colorful brochures, high-end magazines, and on television are so expensive is because they are run by high-profit travel companies.
Do you know how much it costs for those brochures to be printed or for that advertising to happen?
A LOT and those costs are absorbed by you, the user. Aren’t we lucky? (Not!)
While expensive vacations are a possibility, there are more economical options to consider.
You may not be aware but many people manage to travel the world on a budget of $50 or less per day.
How is this even possible?
It’s because they have learned the secret tips and tricks to travelling well on a budget.
Take advantage of these strategies and save money on your next vacation:
1 – Try the shoulder season
Hitting Europe in the summer and Aruba in the winter might be ideal (sounds like a great option from the outset).
However, you can save a lot of money by traveling just before or after peak seasons.
In fact you can save a lot!
During the shoulder season (the period between off peak and peak), the costs are usually lower and the weather is still good (oh and added bonus: it’s also less crowded and more peaceful then).
Want to save even more money?
Go during the off peak season.
2 – Bid for your hotel room
Most travelers are aware of websites like Priceline.com and Hotwire.com.
But, it’s often challenging to know if you’re getting the best deal.
- Betterbidding.com can provide actual bidding information and advice for the popular bidding websites.
- You can use this website to find out the average room rate and compare to see if you are getting a good deal. Then, you’ll know with certainty if you’re bidding too little or too much.
3 – Wait until the last minute
While airfares go through the roof close to the travel date, many other travel-related services, like cruises and tours, tend to drop in price.
- Why is that? Who flies at the last minute? Typically people on business-related travel.
- This group of travelers isn’t as price conscious.
- Cruises and tours on the other hand have mostly fixed costs, so they get all the money upfront.
- There’s little reason to send out a cruise ship with empty rooms.
- Leaving those rooms vacant gets them zero dollars, so they’d rather sell trips at a discount to bring in more income.
We managed to get the best deal ever on a 10 day cruise to Vanuatu and New Caledonia by doing exactly this – buying it as a last minute deal. Crazy to think that there were people on the cruise that paid more than double for the exact same holiday we ended up having for half the price.
4 – Plan your meals.
Many people tend to forget that their food budget makes up for a large part of their holiday costs.
It’s easy to spend a lot of money on food, especially if you have a large family and are constantly eating out.
Do your best to find discount coupons and deals ahead of time.
Decide where you’re going to eat before starting on your journey.
- Remember that you can cook for yourself, too, even on vacation, with some advance planning. Grab some fresh bread rolls, ham and salad for the perfect cheap lunch.
5 – Travel light
Airlines like to give the impression of lower fares, but by now you likely know the truth.
They charge for everything else that used to be free (remember the good old days)!
Some airlines charge for any checked luggage.
Make sure you know if this is the case for your holiday in advance.
Overweight bags can cost you literally hundreds of extra dollars before you even board the plane for your trip!
In order to avoid this, do your best to pack lightly.
6 – If you’re taking a road trip, consider your gas consumption.
There are many rewards programs that can help you save money on gas.
If you have a smart phone, you can find apps to assist you with finding the best gas prices on your route.
Many gift cards give additional discounts on gasoline, as well.
7 – Find free entertainment.
In addition to the food budget, there is an entertainment budget that needs to be factored into your holiday costs.
Thankfully most cities have some sort of free entertainment just about every day of the week.
Many museums and art galleries offer free admission one day a week (or are free altogether).
Get online and see what’s happening where you’re vacationing.
How can you have some fun without spending a cent?
What cool free events are happening that all the locals know about but the tourists don’t?
So there you have it – a great vacation doesn’t have to feel like you’re skimping. It really doesn’t but it DOES require some creative pre-planning.
With a little research, brainstorming and effort, you can have your greatest vacation ever, without breaking the bank.
See how you can use these tips in addition to your own ideas to save money while giving your family a vacation to remember.
Remember you don’t need to spend a lot to have fun.
One more reminder: The greatest legacy we can leave our children is happy memories.
In the end your kids won’t remember all the fancy toys you bought them but the time you have spent with them.
Now go save some money on your next holiday and have some fun!
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