7 Key Differences Between The Rich And The Poor

Nearly everyone wants to be rich, but not many are. Why do so few people have real wealth, even though everyone desires it? Certainly, there must be some fundamental differences between the rich and the poor that can account for the differing levels of success.
Rich people often seem capable of generating amazing things in things in their lives. And many with less money seem to be stuck. You wouldn’t be alone if you concluded that this is due to some difference in abilities or work ethic. But if you look closely at the rich people you know, you’ll likely find that most aren’t particularly lucky, intelligent, or hardworking.
Let’s examine some of the actual fundamental differences between the rich and the poor:
1 – Rich people attempt to create a specific life for themselves; poor people believe they have no control.
If you don’t believe you can create the life you desire, why would you even try? But if you can envision what you want, you stand a chance to get it.
2 – Wealthy people dream much bigger.
Tell your poor friends that you want to be a millionaire and see what they say. You’re likely to hear something like this, “No one needs that much money. You can live fine with a lot less than a million dollars.”
- Do you think that a person who says things like this is ever likely to be wealthy? People who are poor always tend to think small. People who are rich dream big.
3 – The rich play to win, and the poor play not to lose.
This is significant. The rich are quite bold and are always searching for a way to win when money is involved. The poor are too busy worrying about preserving what little they have. They never give themselves the chance to become wealthy.
4 – Opportunities vs. obstacles.
Those who are wealthy tend to focus on the opportunities and then simply deal with the obstacles as they arise along the way. The poor have a habit of focusing on all the obstacles.
- Focusing on problems makes it very difficult to find solutions. A problem-oriented mindset also can cause challenges in staying motivated. By keeping your eye on the prize and staying focused on solutions, you’ll find continually moving forward to be much easier.
5 – Commitment counts.
The rich do an excellent job at staying committed to achieving their goals. The poor are good at dedicating themselves to dreaming about their hopes instead of making goals out of them.
- Although you may have fun thinking about how great it would be to be rich, that’s not going to make your desires happen. Set a goal and then fully commit to it.
6 – Peer group matters.
We all tend to rise or fall to the level of our peer group. Have you ever noticed that the rich hang out with other rich people? Spend time with wealthy people if you want to succeed financially. You’ll be amazed at how your perspective changes when you hear people talking about how they made $2,000+ in a single day.
7 – The rich constantly learn.
You’ll find that wealthy people are usually learning new things, especially when in regard to making more money. The poor frequently have an attitude that they already know everything they need to know. Don’t stop learning.
Developing the habits and attitudes presented in this post will definitely go a long way towards improving your financial situation.
It’s never too late to start, and you’ll be amazed at how quickly you can turn things around. Start today and you can change your financial life forever!