10 Places To Get Things For Free (Yes Totally Free!)

Let’s be honest…we all love a freebie, don’t we?
The great news is there are plenty of places that give out free samples, but have you ever thought about the possibility of getting something even more substantial for free?
Yes it is totally possible to get items at no cost at all that are in excellent condition if just you know where to look. Before purchasing something new, it might be worth the time to see if there is the possibility to get it for free.
Look in these places to obtain valuable merchandise at no charge:
1 – Colleges and universities can be a goldmine at the end of the school year.
Students buy all kinds of things during the school year that they can’t take home in May.
Furniture and appliances are commonly available.
Making a drive around your local colleges or universities is a great way to find free items in good condition.
2 – Consider moving sales.
It’s not uncommon to find people giving away items for free just to get rid of them because they are moving. These are not the same as yard sales. The main focus is getting rid of items that are in the way or too costly to move long distances.
It can be to your benefit to show up to the sales at the end of the day.
The owners are more willing to let items go that haven’t sold.
3 – Garage sales are another good option.
It is also a good idea to visit garage sales at the end of the day. Sellers are more willing to wheel and deal. They tend to be a little more desperate at the end of the day to get rid of stuff. You might be able to pick up a great deal.
4 – Pick up items from the side of the road.
You’ve certainly seen a desk or couch at the end of someone’s driveway. Why not stop and pick up something that is in great condition?
- Some folks just don’t want to be bothered with trying to sell their unwanted items. Some just like to give things away.
- You might be the recipient of something nice or even valuable. You’ll never know unless you stop and grab it.
5 – Visit the Freecycle website.
Freecycle is a free to use website where people can list things they want to give away.
The owners of the website are trying to assist others while simultaneously keeping items out of the landfill. You can get rid of your unwanted items and get something you need from someone else for free.
6 – Craigslist offers free items.
Most people want to sell their unwanted items, but many would prefer to just give them away. This is true whether you’re moving, or just want to get rid of the old to make room for the new.
There is actually a section on Craigslist specifically for free items.
7 – Yelp is a bit of a long shot.
Yelp is primarily used to find and review local businesses. But occasionally businesses give away free items. Check out the message boards that cover your local area and see if anything is available.
8 – Look on Facebook Marketplace.
Many people will list unwanted items here. I know this from experience as I have given lots of amazing things away for free via the Facebook marketplace.
You can set up your Facebook settings to alert you when something you’re looking for becomes available. There are a wide variety of items and you don’t have to do anything other than use Facebook.
9 – Other social media sites can be a source of free items.
Businesses and people will send out emails, messages, or tweets informing others of free items that are available. Social media can be a great tool for many things.
10 – The newspaper classifieds are still useful.
Though definitely not as popular as it once was, there is still much value in looking for things the “old-fashioned” way.
- Your newspaper’s classified section can still be a good place to find free items.
- Many individuals will still take out an ad in the paper. Check it out!
It might seem odd that people would give away a perfectly good couch or refrigerator for free but it actually happens more often than not. These items and more can be found if you know the right places to look.
All it takes is a little time and effort, and you’re likely to find something you would be proud to own for free. Give these sources a try and see what happens. The money saved can be well-worth the time.